Today we would like to introduce to you new Art Alchemy collections.
The shipment starts on
August 28th
Please note the price of 15x15cm set was slightly increased.
Please take a look:
Trick or Treat - Happy Halloween
Tales of Moss and Fern - Christmas extras to cut
Ho Ho Ho (15x15 cm set - last pieces, rice paper 6 sold out)
Whispers of the Mountains (15x15cm set - sold out)
Collage Dolls/People - You can buy individual sheets – extras to cut, 250 gsm and cut out characteres yourself (AA-COLLAGEDOLLS-01) or buy it as a die-cut sheet. pre-cut (AA-COLLAGEDOLLS-02)
Soul of Spring (AA-CH....cardboards: sold out or last pieces, 15x15 sold out, rice papers will be re-printed)
First Holy Communion 20x20cm and 15x15 cm sets sold out
2022 realeases
Lovely Memories